Joe Horn 的啟示錄


AT&T 解散 UNIX 部門…

剛剛亂爬文, 爬到 這篇 .

( 8 月中的舊聞了... 現在才爬到... orz )

在文章裡面也有提到成員們的去向 :

Ken Thompson retired to California.

Brian Kernighan is a Professor at Princeton.

Doug McIlroy is a Professor at Dartmouth.

Rob Pike and Dave Presotto and Sean Dorward are at Google.

Tom Duff is at Pixar.

Phil Winterbottom is CTO at Entrisphere.

Gerard Holzmann is at NASA/JPL Lab for Reliable Software.

Bob Flandrena is at Morgan Stanley.

Dennis Ritchie and Howard Trickey remain, enisled.

至於 Unix 的歷史的話, 有興趣玩玩考古學的可以看看 這篇 .

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